Home / Community / Philadelphia, PA 12
- 1851 print of Stephen Girard College the buildings and walls still stand today Rating score 4.92
- 1893 Balloon View of Stephen Girard College Phila PA Rating score 4.92
- 1900 circa double postcard of Stephen Girard Colege Rating score 4.92
- Philadelphia Eastern State Penitentiary in Fairmount Section Rating score 4.92
- Gate Entrance to Phila Eastern State Penitentiary gargoyles modern view
- Phila Eastern State Penitentiary modern aerial view in Fairmount Section
- eastern-state-pen-360 interior
- eastern State penitentiary interior phila pa fairmount
- exterior of the Mastbaum theater at 2001 Market St Old World Philaldelphia
- 1929 Dedication of Mastbaum Theater 2001 Market St ticket
- Interior of the Mastbaum Theater 2001 Market St Phila PA old wolrd Rating score 4.92
- Ceiling and interio of Mastbaum theater 2001 Market St Phila PA Rating score 4.92
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