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  • HurdyGurdyBurdy - Tuesday 10 October 2023 03:20
    Trylon & Perisphere - Foster City. The builders thumbprint - in plain sight.
  • HurdyGurdyBurdy - Tuesday 10 October 2023 03:17
    Trylon & Perisphere - Frump Homes / Reset
  • HurdyGurdyBurdy - Tuesday 10 October 2023 03:16
    Trylon & Perisphere - World's Fair 1939
  • HurdyGurdyBurdy - Tuesday 10 October 2023 03:04
    This snake was not there before Foster City (A town between San Francisco and Silicon Valley and built on landfill in the early 70's ) was developed. The serpents mouth ends at a school and a water treatment plant. On the other side of the serpent's head is Gillead Bi0pharmeceuticals.